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Past, Present & Future

It is our honor to return to PRI annually to share the importance of racing safety with growing audiences from all corners of the racing industry. The 2023 PRI Show included many important events for the Stand 21 Racing Goes Safer Foundation. Dr. Terry Trammell and Jim Downing Receive Stand 21 Safety Foundation’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Eric Huhn and Don Taylor attend the Race Track Business Conference (RTBC), and lead a panel  with Track Operators, Promotors, and Sanctioning Body (TOPS) to discuss EV Racing Safety. RGS brings together the past, present, and future with their latest safety seminar featuring Jim Downing, Marco Petrilli, the FIA’s Deputy Safety Director, and more!
2023 Performance Racing Industry Show Safety Seminar
Indianapolis, IN
Friday, December 8 • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Location: Meeting Room 206

Indianapolis – The Stand 21 Safety Foundation covered the past, present, and future of safety issues in racing at its annual seminar held on December 8th, at the 2023 PRI Show.

Jim Downing, developer of the life-saving HANS device told of the long path of design and optimization of the product. Adding to that narrative were two of those instrumental in promoting HANS use by racers, Dr. Terry Trammel and Tom Gideon, former Safety Director at NASCAR.

Marco Petrilli, the FIA’s Deputy Safety Director shared the process of that organization’s technical group for analyzing pressing issues of safety in their various series and applying their engineering resources to find solutions.

 Dealing with gasoline fires at the track was covered from the driver’s perspective by sportsman Corvette racer Mark Petronis, who himself had been seriously burned, and from the perspective of the track safety responder by Eric Huhn, a firefighter at NASCAR andNHRA races.

Huhn who is also a researcher at UNC Charlotte, went on to explain the hazards of Lithium-Ion battery ‘fires’ as we move into a future of more electric vehicles appearing at the racetrack.

Yves Morizot, Stand 21 Safety Foundation’s Founder and President later said “I am pleased that we have so many friends and great contributors to motorsports safety gathered in the room today. These are all gentlemen dedicated to safety”.

Jim Downing - HANS Developer

Jim Downig & Dr. Trammell Liftme Achievement Award
A Lifetime of Achievement
Dr. Terry Trammell and Jim Downing Receive Stand 21 Safety Foundation’s Lifetime Achievement Award
Indianapolis, IN
Friday, December 8 • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Indianapolis Convention Center

Indianapolis - Motor racing safety legends Dr. Terry Trammell and Jim Downing were honored as recipients of the Stand 21 Safety Foundation’s Lifetime Achievement Award on December 7th.


The wood and glass award is inscribed with the words: “To a person who has embodied the philosophy of safety first and dedicated their life to improving safety”.


Yves Morizot, the Foundation’s Founder and President said “Both Jim and Terry have contributed to saving countless drivers’ lives and careers through the years, taking motorsports safety to a new level for all racers”. Downing is well known as the developer of the HANS device, while Dr. Trammell is a noted orthopedic surgeon and racing safety researcher. The award had been presented just one previously, and that was to Dr. Stephen Olvey in 2019.

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